A Strong Voice for Newark


Our Campaign

The country will go to the polls on 4th July 2024 to elect the next government. It is time for change. There is not a moment to waste and our campaign has already started. Please join with me, as together we can restore pride and purpose in Newark

About Me

I am Saj Ahmad, your Labour Parliamentary Party candidate for Newark.

Born and bred in the county of Nottinghamshire, it’s been the place I’ve called home for the majority of my life. Daughter to a factory worker father and homemaker mother, my journey hasn’t been typical, but it was filled with strong community bonds and support. Proudly working class, I’ve dealt with and overcome many challenges including discrimination and male violence, on my path to where I am today. I’ve also experienced love, care and support from the community where I live, where I work and across our movement. These experiences have fuelled my passion for fairness, equality and social justice, a realisation that community matters and a dedication to advocating for others. Over the years, I’ve now found my voice and have a reputation as someone who makes change happen.

As a councillor in Nottingham, regional executive member for the Labour party and seasoned activist, I'm involved in local government and community initiatives, campaigning across the region and flying the flag for our movement.

Professionally, as a technology leader within a central government cyber unit, I work to deliver new and innovative ways to thwart cyber attacks. Prior to this I’ve led communications for multiple transformation projects across our region and during 2020 joined a national NHS COVID communications cell, ensuring clear communications to staff and patients throughout the pandemic.

I have a strong trade union background and have put this into action in my profession as a rep for MiP, representing NHS staff. I’m also on the national executive committee of the FDA and have recently been elected to the national executive committee of MiP. In 2019 I founded a network for women in health and social care, a national network providing support, community and a united voice for women workers in the NHS to be heard.

I’m a proud graduate of the prestigious Jo Cox Women in Leadership Programme. Through this, and other Labour Women’s Network courses, I have developed my leadership, influencing and the other skills required to be an MP who makes a difference.

Being a voice for others, countering discrimination and promoting fairness is what I do, and it’s where I’m at my best. I want to ensure ordinary people have a voice, that marginalised groups have representation and that we create legislation and programmes across the country to genuinely support all of us, not just the elites.

Ready to win for Labour in Newark

Newark stands at a pivotal moment. My background has uniquely equipped me to address Newark's diverse needs with empathy and innovative solutions. Now more than ever, our community requires a representative who not only understands these complexities but also has a proven track record of effective action. I have always believed that politics needs people who care, and I care deeply.

Seeing Newark's potential stifled by societal challenges and lack of investment has only strengthened my resolve. The current Conservative MP is not addressing these critical issues effectively.

I am motivated to give everyone in Newark a voice, upholding the principle that no one is more important than anyone else.

Some have said this seat is unwinnable, but I refuse to accept that.

I am choosing Newark, not as a stepping stone for me, but as a community I know I can positively impact for all its residents. I am here to fight for you and a fairer society, to ensure that every resident has access to opportunity and a better life.

This is my promise to Newark, and why I stand as your Labour Parliamentary Party candidate.

How we’ll win together

  • To deliver change and realise a better future we need a Labour MP in Newark. That must be our first and foremost priority. We can’t rely on the national swing to win.
  • I am confident we can win here. I will not accept that this is an unwinnable seat. I have the vision, competence and drive to win.
  • We’re already campaigning to win. My previous experience and diverse skills enable me to lead a winning campaign. Newark deserves a Labour MP to advocate for the constituency.

Here’s what you can rely on from me

An inclusive approach

We’ve built alliances and united different voices to form a formidable team. Our campaign is inclusive and not divisive.

A plan to win

I’m a details person, and won’t leave any stone unturned. We’re targeting our key swing voters and activating a clear fundraising plan so our campaign can cut through the noise. We're innovative, disruptive and are doing things differently.

No Rhetoric - Just reason

Our campaign is well thought through, optimistic and the antidote to Robert Jenrick’s headline grabbing fear messages. We’re bringing care and common sense back to politics and the disillusioned voters back to us.

Steel, determination and a level headed approach

I’ve won against the odds before and know how to handle the pressure. With me, you’re getting a serious and credible candidate that can both win the campaign and do the job.

My Promises to You

With a Labour Government together with a Newark Labour MP, we can make a real difference, but after 14 years out of Government, the list is long. We can start by:

Flying the Flag for Newark

I will be your voice and will work for you in Westminster, ensuring we get our fair share of opportunity. I’ll be a local MP based in the constituency, with a local office and regular in-person and virtual surgeries.

Supporting Community and a fairer society

Life is hard, but with closer and more caring communities we can make life better. Let’s say goodbye to divisive Tory politics. I will be a community champion and fight to help those in need.

Champion our public services

With a growing population it’s important our services are invested in to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. I’ll fight for our vital services.

Promote opportunities for young people

Newark will thrive if our young people can flourish and see a future here. So that’s access to better jobs, education, connectivity and affordable homes.

Support for small businesses

Local businesses fuel our local economy and help to differentiate Newark from any other market town. I’ll work locally and nationally to support and promote innovation.

Protecting our environment and supporting green growth

Recent flooding isn’t the only proof that we need to play our part in tackling the climate crisis. The green transition brings opportunities for our area too. As a climate change advocate and technology professional, I’m passionate about reaching our goals and bettering our lives

What my supporters say about me…

Dr Margaret ‘doc’ McDougald

Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Chair of Newark Community First Aid
I have now re-joined the Labour Party and I want to endorse Saj, whom I feel would be an extremely able representative of our community. I’ve been very impressed by her caring personality and passion to make life better for everyone. We need someone like Saj to work to improve standards in our public services which have been run into the ground during 13 years of Tory rule.
I've worked closely with Saj over several years. I'm impressed with her work on the environment and in the health service. In the NHS she has been judged as an outstanding leader. She's a great campaigner and councillor. She listens to people carefully and always delivers on her promises. I've always backed her - so should you!.

Paddy Tipping

Former MP for Sherwood

Peter Thomas

Public Sector Worker
I have joined the party to support Saj to become the next Labour MP for Newark. She’s local - Notts born and raised - is very approachable and is passionate about serving the community. I have full confidence in her ability to become the next MP for Newark and I’m prepared to back her all the way to parliament!.
Saj is committed, driven and works well with others. Keen to improve our region, Saj will do all she can to fly the flag for Newark. She will work hard to improve things the things that matter to ordinary people from public services to local transport. She is a councillor and has the experience and passion needed to represent Newark.

Will Mee

Councillor and Student

Carl Cornish

National Nature Conservation NGO
I've worked for nature conservation NGOs covering the Newark constituency for 22 years. Saj is a knowledgeable and committed advocate for the nature of the area. There are great opportunities to embrace and threats to miniminise for nature, which I trust Saj to show leadership in delivering. Saj is the candidate that will be ambitious in the green agenda she has my support.

Contact Me

If you would like to hear more about my campaign or to offer me your support then please do get in touch. It would be fantastic to hear from you.


07508 722 497

I’m proudly endorsed by:

GMB Union